Friday, September 14, 2012


Hey folks--come out and support us as we raise money and awareness on our upcoming mission to Uganda. It will be a night of fun, fellowship, beautiful art, and treats. We hope to see you there and thank you so much for the love and care you have shown us in this endeavor.

(Also we are still in need of art if you are interested in helping us out in that way!!)
Saturday, October 6, 2012.  728 East 36th Street Savannah, GA 31401. 5-7 pm.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Wanna hear the story??

"And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly, to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God" Micah 6:8

Why are we going?
Upon returning from Uganda in May, the Lord has been growing in Logan a desire to go back, however, also growing in her a desire to serve the local body. She had just led a team through Adventures in Missions for a four-month period.  She was dreaming and praying about what that would look like, when Gracie and her met up one random evening and learned of the Lord similarly moving her in the direction of the exact same small town in Uganda to work in a baby home. We started talking about our mutual desire to stay connected to CBC, our local church and how we could use our passions and gifts to pour back into the home that poured into us. The Lord had been equipping Gracie with communication, media and journalism skills through her time as a student at SCAD, while Logan had acquired a network of people in Uganda and an understanding of the lifestyle and needs through her previous travels.  We are stepping forward, confident that God is calling us to leave for Uganda in winter of next year and staying through the summer. Our chief hope is to use our gifts to further the kingdom of God and do it under the authority of CBC.  

What’s the goal?
We want to partner with local ministries in Gulu and serve a local body. The pastor Logan worked with in Lira is connected to a church branch in Gulu, Victory Outreach Church that is a part of the network and authority of Victory Outreach Ministries-- who we hope to partner with. While in Uganda several months ago, Logan learned of a need with a local organization called Scripture Union. Through communication with the area director she has committed to filling a need with the Bible club that is meeting at a local university.  She will partner with students in the club and work together with them doing intentional discipleship and Bible study. Logan also plans to work with an organization that works with children who are suffering from a disease called nodding syndrome.  A friend in Uganda has asked her to help by doing Bible lessons with the children who are desperate to know the hope of Christ. An organization has recently opened a center for the kids to come each day and from their welcome, Logan hopes to make Jesus a part of their daily schedule at the center.  Gracie hopes to serve at a babies home and work with a ministry for teenage girls. In addition to her commitment to these ministries she will be serving CBC and other local ministries in Uganda through her love for media and photojournalism. She hopes to explore art as a gateway for loving and nurturing youth into knowing the love of God. Another aspect to this trip is simply living missionally and relationally, valuing the small opportunities to meet the needs of neighbors and new friends. A personal commitment to being obedient to whomever God puts in our path; serving them, showing them the love of Christ, and building up believers with the Word. 

How you can help? 
The truth is we genuinely want people to be a part of this with us.  We have talked a lot about our desire for the people in our life that want to help, to see it as a partnership with us as we go.  We realize that so many people in our lives have the desire to be connected to what God is doing in different parts of the world.  So we want to invite y'all on this journey with us through our stories and pictures and your prayers. We are going to have several different things going on in the next few months that we want you to be a part of.  If you are interested in learning more please send Gracie or Logan and email so that we can have your information and send you a prayer card and tell you details about our needs. Also we want to work with you and the ideas that you have of how we can contribute to the needs of the people we meet. If you have an interest that is important to you and a way to equip us or contribute materials to us we would love to talk to you. We really appreciate your support and care to us and we are so excited for this journey!!!

Monday, September 3, 2012

The Journey Continues...


Venturing back to UGANDA...but with a friend, Gracie Byrd Jones, in the beginning of next year! 

This blog will now record the adventures, prayers, and thoughts of Logan and Gracie, please keep checking up to hear more of how the Lord has orchestrated our paths and the work He continues to do...